Sunday, March 05, 2006

Threat to the professional librarian.

It has been CCL's experience that lectures proposals such as the one described below somehow do not make their way into library conference schedule lineups. Why? Is it because there are too many more fascinating subjects out there? -- or is it that library associations, although ironically headed by librarians, do not provide a forum for discussion on topics of a purely professional nature? In our attempts for inclusion of our non-librarian colleagues in all things 'library', have we not inflicted a great disservice on ourselves and the profession?

Dr. Bill Crowley, former State of Ohio (USA) deputy state librarian for library services and present professor with Dominican University's Graduate School of Library and Information Science, addresses the fundamental threat to the survival of the professional librarian...

Bill Crowley, Professor, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Dominican University, has over twenty-three years of "real world" experience in the United States.


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