Friday, August 10, 2007

Discrimination thriving in BC!

Librarians and library workers deserve

What is pay equity?

"Pay Equity is equal pay for work of equal value. The Pay Equity Act requires that jobs be evaluated and work mostly or traditionally done by women be compared to work mostly or traditionally done by men. If jobs are of comparable value, then female jobs must be paid at least the same as male jobs. Female jobs are jobs mostly or traditionally done by women such as librarian, childcare worker or secretary. Male jobs are jobs mostly or traditionally done by men such as truck driver, firefighter or shipper."

"The value of jobs is based on the levels of skill, effort, responsibility and working conditions involved in doing the work."

Of note, issues of pay equity are handled by this office in Ontario -- notice the words "Anti-Discrimination"

Anti-Discrimination Programs Branch
Canadian Human Rights Commission
344 Slater Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 1E1

Telephone: (613) 995-1151
Toll Free: 1-888-214-1090
Web Site:

Source: Pay Equity Commission, Ontario

**The Case for Pay Equity: submission to the BC Task Force on Pay Equity (Nitya Iver, Chair), December 2001**

PAY EQUITY IN BC - cancelled 6 years ago!

BC women's organizations issued an open letter to Gordon Campbell dated Aug. 15, 2001 condemning repeal of pay equity, childcare laws
Vancouver, B.C.


Dear Premier Campbell:

We are writing to express our dismay at your betrayal of BC women through the repeal of pay equity and subsidized childcare.

Working women, young women, poor women – all had hope that soon they would have an avenue to achieve equal pay for work of equal value. Your government's repeal of pay equity was not only unnecessary, but also goes against the promises and commitments you made during the election campaign. The repeal of this important piece of legislation was unnecessary, because it would not even have come into full force and effect until 2002.

Contrary to your statements, this action does not fulfill the commitments made during the election, because then you claimed to fully support pay equity for women in BC. Your party also claimed that any actions you took would follow a full and complete consultation with all those affected.

Yes, you stated your intention to review this legislation and pay equity in general, but after years of fighting for access to equal pay, you have put women back to square one. And women have no indication of where you intend to go.

For the grossly underpaid women in our workforce, those who are about to begin working and those who no longer have affordable childcare, your actions give a frightening foreshadow of your intentions.

Although your Attorney General seems to believe pay equity affected only private sector women, this legislation also offered pay equity protection to women working in the broader public service as well.

With one piece of legislation, you have wiped out two of the most important gains for working women – pay equity and subsidized childcare -- and all you have to offer in their place are yet more reviews and studies.

We don't think those studies will help working women put food on the table when they get home from work each night.

We demand you live up to your commitment to the women of this province and let our voices be heard.

Yours truly,

B.C. Federation of Labour
Source: BC Federation of Labour